Joined: January 30, 2013
Posts: 17
Posted: Post subject: So there's this this in my head, between my ears, in back... |
So there's this this in my head, between my ears, in back of my eyes.
I think it's what's known as a brain, and it's all mine. There's a little bit of a problem i think with mine or maybe mine is completely fine and it's everyone else's that's not right.
See mine thinks a gazillion things at once. It makes me say very odd, random and i guess to some "weird" things. It would Much rather stay home play a game for a bit and end the night with netflix. Not to say it doesn't have ideas of going out. It does but just doing things it knows I would like.When most others my age as I've seen would rather be out at a club or some house party with the dub-step and the booty shaking and just stuff i'm not about, but "to each his own". I don't judge I just accept (well maybe i judge a little).
I think apparently it hasn't grown up, its maturing has stopped. Cause it still likes watching cartoons, and thinking about when pokemon was awesome (1st generation), it still likes video games. Always has and always will it assures me. It does silly goofy things just not caring. It makes me get goosebumps at the thought or sight of people who share common things with it. It's the young awesome 90's kid i am.The young side is predominant but there's this other side, this side that seems to be steadily fascinating me. It loves to make me question this thing that is my life. But question in a good way. It loves when i read poetry to feed it. It's favorite thing is philosophy, i start reading that and it can't have enough. It loves to get me in mind stimulating conversation. Cause if it's not stimulating it's just not worth rthe effort. It loves to talk about everything and nothing. It's what controls everything and nothing about me. and the other side is what farts in it from time to time, but they're some pretty lingering farts. (see what i mean by random!).
I can go on forever talking about either side and what it likes and what it does to the life i live but right now i just want to know.... Anyone else have a brain like this? One that loves the simple and very random goofy things in life and loves to get lost in this thing called life and why it is the way it is.
Question for anyone: What about you makes you you? (get it?)